Bleach Language Native Functions


In case the reader is not familiar with this concept: Native functions (a.k.a built-in functions or intrinsic functions) are functions that are directly provided by the programming language or its runtime environment, typically written in a lower-level language (C++ in Bleach's case) and are part of the core language or runtime.

These functions are "native" because they are implemented at the system or runtime level rather than being written in the higher-level language itself (i.e., written in Bleach).

Some Key Characteristics of Native Functions

  • Performance: Native functions are usually optimized for performance since they are closely integrated with the language runtime (which was written in C++ in Bleach's case) or the underlying hardware.
  • Availability: Native Functions are readily available without needing to be explicitly imported or defined by the programmer.
  • Language-Specific: Native functions varies between languages and is closely tied to the language's runtime environment.


For clarity and organization purposes, Bleach's native functions are organized in namespaces.

If you are not familiar with this concept, a namespace is a way to logically group functions, variables and other identifiers to prevent naming conflicts and to organize code more effectively (in Bleach's case I opted to use namespaces just to group native functions as I've mentioned above).

By using namespaces, you can create multiple functions or variables with the same name, as long as they belong to different namespaces, thereby avoiding potential collisions in a large codebase.

Namespace: std::io

Contains the native functions related to input/output operations.

Function: std::io::readLine

This native function is responsible for reading the content provided by the user inside the console/terminal until it reaches the end of line character (\n). It takes 0 arguments and its return value is a value of str type: The content provided by the user in the console/terminal.


let user_input = std::io::readLine(); // Say the user writes "hello" in console/terminal.

// At this point, the value of the user_input variable is "hello";

Function: std::io::print

This native function is responsible for printing content provided by the user to console/terminal. It can take any number arguments of any type, whether it is built-in or user-defined. Then it prints the string representation of such values to the console separating them by a character.


let n = 3.14;
let name = "Ryan";
let nothing = nil;
let is_earth_flat = false;

std::io::print(n, name, nothing, is_earth_flat); // 3.14 Ryan nil false

Function std::io::fileRead

This native function is responsible for or receiving a value of the type str that represents the path (absolute or relative) to a .txt file, reading its contents and returning them as a str value. It takes a vlaue of type str as its unique argument and returns a value of type str, the content of the .txt file.


let filePath = "path/to/the/desired/txt/file"; // Can be absolute or relative path to the desired ".txt" file.
let fileContent = std::io::fileRead(filePath);

print fileContent; // Prints the content of the ".txt" file.

Function std::io::fileWrite

This native function is responsible for receiving a value of the type str representing a path (absolute or relative) to a .txt file, a value of the type str representing the opening mode of the file to be read (which can be "a" for append or "w" for write), another value of the type str representing the content to be written to the file and a value of the type bool signaling whether or not a newline (\n) must be inserted at the end of such content in the file. This function returns a nil value.

Usage #1:

let filePath = "path/to/the/desired/txt/file"; // Can be absolute or relative path to the desired ".txt" file.
let openingMode = "w"; // Write Mode.
let contentToWrite = "Hello, World!";
let insertNewlineAtTheEnd = true;

std::io::fileWrite(filePath, openingMode, contentToWrite, insertNewlineAtTheEnd);

Usage #2:

let filePath = "path/to/the/desired/txt/file"; // Can be absolute or relative path to the desired ".txt" file.
let openingMode = "a"; // Append Mode.
let contentToWrite = "A new line below the 'Hello, World!' line.";
let insertNewlineAtTheEnd = true;

std::io::fileWrite(filePath, openingMode, contentToWrite, insertNewlineAtTheEnd);

Namespace: std::chrono

Contains native functions related to time and clock operations.

Function: std::chrono::clock

This native function is responsible for calculating the amount of seconds that have been passed since "January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC", which is a value of type num. It takes 0 arguments. Its return value is, as said above, the amount of seconds that have been passed since the date provided above, a value of type num.

This native function is, as you might have already thought, very useful for benchmarking purposes.


let begin = std::chrono::clock();
// Execution of some code that the user wants to evaluate the performance/speed.
let end = std::chrono::clock();

let duration_in_seconds = end - begin;

std::io::print("The observed task took", duration_in_seconds, "seconds to be executed.");

Namespace: std::math

Contains native functions related to mathematical operations.

Function: std::math::abs

This native function is responsible for calculating the absolute value of a provided value of type num. It can takes just one argument of such type. Its return value is the absolute value of the provided value of type num.


let n = -10;
let absolute_number = std::math::abs(n); // 10

Function: std::math::ceil

This native function is responsible for receiving a value of type num and returning the smallest integer number that is bigger than the provided value. This function returns a value of type num.


let n = 10.23;
let ceil_n = std::math::ceil(n); // 11

Function: std::math::floor

This native function is responsible for receiving a value of type num and returning the largest integer that is smaller than the provided value. This function returns a value of type num.


let n = 1.21;
let floor_n = std::math::floor(n); // 1

Function: std::math::log

This native function is responsible for calculating the logarithm of a value given the base to be used. It takes two arguments of type num. The first argument is base the and the second argument is the mantissa. Its return value is the computed logarithm, a value of type num, given the provided arguments.

Important: The first argument (the base of the logarithm) must not be equal to 1. Also, the second argument (the argument) must be a number greater than 0. If either of these conditions is not met, then such native function will throw a runtime error when called.


let base = 2;
let mantissa = 8;
let logarithm = std::math::log(base, mantissa); // 3

Function: std::math::pow

This native function is responsible for calculating the power of a value given its exponent. It takes two arguments of type num. The first argument is base the and the second argument is the exponent. Its return value is the value resulted from the computation of the exponentiation operation, a value of type num, given the provided arguments.


let base = 2;
let exponent = 3;
let exponentiation_result = std::math::pow(base, exponent); // 8

Function: std::math::sqrt

This native function is responsible for calculating the square root of a given value (the radicand). It takes just one argument of type num. Its return value is the square root of the provided radicand, a value of type num, given the provided argument.

Important: This native function is not able to deal with negative values. If the user provide such a value, a runtime error will be thrown.


let n = 2;
let square_root_of_two = std::math::sqrt(n); // 1.414213562373095

Namespace: std::random

Contains native functions related to random number generation.

Function: std::random::random

This native function is responsible for generating a random number that is between an interval. It takes two arguments of type num. The first argument is the left boundary of the interval and the second argument is the right boundary of the interval. Its return value is the generated random number, a value of type num, given the provided arguments.

Important: If the first argument is greater than the second argument the native function will perform a swap between such arguments internally when called.


let left = 3.5;
let right = 3.7;
std::io::print(std::random::random(left, right));

Namespace: std::utils

Contains native functions related to utility functions that might be useful to the programmer in specific scenarios.

Function: std::utils::ord

This native function is responsible for receiving a value of type str of length 1 and returning its respective ASCII integer number, which is a value of type num. Passing a value of type str with length different than 1 will result in a runtime error.


let A_ascIICode = std::utils::ord("A");
print A_ascIICode; // 65

let a_ascIICode = std::utils::ord("a");
print a_ascIICode; // 97

Function: std::utils::strToBool

This native function is responsible for receiving a value of type str that represents a boolean as its unique argument. The function converts the value of type str into its respective value of type bool and, then, returns such value. If the value of the type str does not represent a boolean, a runtime error is thrown.


let t_as_string = "true";
print t_as_string; // "true"

let t_as_boolean = std::utils::strToBool(t_as_string);
print t_as_boolean; // true

Function: std::utils::strToNil

This native function is responsible for receiving a value of type str that represents the nil value as its unique argument. The function converts the value of the type ````strinto this value and, then, returns it. If the value of the typestrdoes not representnil```, a runtime error is thrown.


let nil_as_string = "nil";
print nil_as_string; // "nil"

let nil_value = std::utils::strToNil(nil_as_string);
print nil_value; // nil

Function: std::utils::strToNum

This native function is responsible for receiving a value of type str that represents a number as its unique argument. The function converts the value of type str into its respective value of type num and, then, returns such value. If the value of the type str does not represent a number, a runtime error is thrown.


let num_as_string = "3.14159";
print num_as_string; // "3.14159"

let num_as_string = std::utils::strToNum(nil_as_string);
print num_as_string; // 3.14159