Full Stack Software Engineering Intern
Hent (Recife, Brazil)
Worked on the technology team developing new features required by customers and also solving bugs reported by the customer support team. In the front-end, implemented new screens of the major product and also refactored existent screens following mock-ups and directives provided by the design team. In the back-end, implemented features that allowed the clients to have a better control of their debits and incomes and was responsible for database management. Tools: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Tailwind, JavaScript, PostgreSQL.
Undergraduate Researcher Assistant
CIn-UFPE and Tempest (Recife, Brazil)
Worked at a program promoted by Universidade Federal de Pernambuco in a partnership with Tempest, Brazil’s largest cybersecurity company. Developed and studied, using machine learning, new ways to detect cyber-attacks and potential cyber-threats in computer systems and networks. Tools: Python, Google Colab.
Computer Architecture Teaching Assistant
CIn-UFPE (Recife, Brazil)
Taught tutoring sessions for 3 classes of 50 to 60 students each. Conducted lab classes of this course, prepared and corrected programming assignments that were counted as bonus grades in this course. Tools: RISC-V Assembly.
Undergraduate Researcher Assistant
RobôCIn (Recife, Brazil)
RobôCIn is a research group focused on robotics and also a team that participates in competitions of this same field. Worked in the 2D Simulation division with others members. In this division I was focused on developing the strategy of the agents of the team for the next competitions. As a result, the 2D Simulation division reached the 3rd place at the Brazilian Robotics Competition 2020. Tools: C++, Python.
Vector and Linear Algebra Teaching Assistant
CIn-UFPE (Recife, Brazil)
Taught tutoring sessions for two classes of 50 to 60 students each. Also prepared lists of exercises, in order to help the students prepare themselves better for the exams of this course and helped the teacher to correct these exams.