
Here you can find a list of the most memorable projects that I've made during my time as an undergraduate student. Whether it's a university project or a personal one,
I always try to experiment with new programming languages and other technologies.

All the source codes of the projects can be found on my GitHub profile.

Foto do Projeto

"Vulcan" is a development environment that unites an editor, an assembler and a simulator for programming in RISC-V Assembly language. It has support for several extensions of the RISC-V ISA. Also made a built-in debugger, so the users can easily find syntax errors in their code.

Made with Dart and Flutter.

Foto do Projeto

"" is an MVP application that aims to be a platform capable of facilitating the divulgation of pets available for adoption as well as the advertising of events focused on adoption.

Made with: JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.

Foto do Projeto
The Notebook

"The Notebook" is a collection of algorithms and data structures that can be used to solve different classes of problems. It also has explanations about how some of these A&DS work in detail. The whole objective of the project is to provide a clear explanation for other people wanting to learn more about the subject, prepare to coding interview or take part in programming contests.

Made with C++ and Python.

Foto do Projeto
CIn Games

"CIn Games" implements different games that can be played at the Altera DE2i-150 FPGA board. Worked on the development of the Genius game and was also responsible to develop the device driver, in order to make these games playable on the FPGA board.

Made with C, C++ and MakeFile.

Foto do Projeto
Invaders Must Die

"Invaders Must Die" is a Python module that implements a secure communication protocol in a Client-Server architecture over the TCP layer. The protocol is aimed for the Linux O.S and for voting systems. It is divided in 3 stages: "Handshake", "Generate Symmetric Key" and "Vote Session".

Made with Python.

Foto do Projeto
Competitive Programming

"Competitive Programming" is a compilation of solutions for several problems about algorithms and data structures from different online judges such as: UVa, Codeforces, SPOJ and more. It was made in order to help other competitors solve these types of problems.

Made with C++ and Python.

Foto do Projeto
Gasolina: Greve Infinita

"Gasolina: Greve Infinita" is an online battle royale game that can be played by at most 4 players in a local server. After the development, the game was tested by freshman students.
Responsible for the game art and for the development of some of the mechanics of the game.

Made with C and MakeFile.